13 September 2009

What's goin' on ...

I'm feeling very strange today with very weird (and annoying) stuff going on with my body.  Is it still the withdrawal from the Klonopin or is it one of the new medications ... or is it ... My mind spins trying to figure out what the Hades is going on with my body and mind.  I'm feeling depressed and anxious.

Guess I should explain.  To write it down and, hopefully, feel a little better about getting it out.

Over the past week ... on and off ... I've been having numbing sensations in different parts of my body.  Today has been the worse and right now it's the back of my neck.  I also have muscle spasms, which make various parts of my body "jump" out of nowhere.  The weirdest place is my face ... of course it doesn't jump but kind of scrunches up.

Today all of it has been worse, with another very strange happening.  This morning I had an "out of mind" experience.  I was sitting on the front porch having my first cigarette of the day with my coffee when it happened.  It was like I was sitting there and a part of me was separated from me ... looking down and seeing my thoughts go by.  Very, very, strange.

It's been a week today I've been Klonopin free.  I thought I was over it ... but my wonderful husband found an ongoing thread from people who are having bad withdrawal symtoms from the drug.  You can find it here.  I have a lot of the symtoms they talk about ... so part of me thinks it may be the problem.  Part of me wants to go back on it just to get rid of this shit.

I'm glad I have group tomorrow.  I'm definitely going to see the pschiatrist and speak to him about all these symtoms (arm jerked just now) and make sure it's not one of the drugs I'm currently taking.  Another good reason to be in the group situation for depression/anxiety.   Although this coming week is supposedly my last (due to insurance reasons).  We'll see what happens ...


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