09 September 2009
Today, on my way home from group, I saw three little fawns standing in the woods. I take a small, mountainous road rather than the busy highway... it's a more peaceful and less stressful drive. I rounded a bend in the road and one of the little one's was getting ready to cross in front of me. I came to a complete stop and looked to my left and there were two others standing not far from the first.
For a moment or two we all looked at each other. I had my window down and asked them where their mama was before heading on. I keep telling myself to bring my camera on this ride, and I reminded myself again what beautiful pictures I could get.
Since deer showed up in my life, in multiples no less, I looked up deer totem to see what they were trying to tell me. I found my answer from a totem page here and The cycle of life. Gentleness seems to be the running thread and being fawns I figure I need to take baby steps to get back into nature and all it has to offer. Which brings me to...
Wishcasting Wednesday where Jamie asks the question "What do you wish to learn?"
Being the curious type this is a hard question to answer because I'm always wanting to learn new things. I've gotten back to a point where the little child in me wants to explore new avenues, create more art work of various forms, to delve back head first into my spirituality. On and on with the learning process. So this question causes me to pause and think about what is really important and what I really wish to learn. To put it all out there and see what the world gives me as an answer to my wishes. Sooo....here goes....
- I really would love to learn to knit and crochet. It's been something I've been wanting to learn for years and years now. Maybe I can check to see if Michael's or some other place is having some sort of class for doing it.
- I want to learn to paint with oil paints. Another creative endeavor I've wanted to do for years and years. I just never put it out there.
- I want to learn more about myself and what makes me tick. To get into the nitty gritty and get it healed. It'll still be there, but it won't hurt as badly. I realize this will be an ongoing process throughout my life.
- I want to learn how to be more in the moment. Learning how to meditate is another wish I've had for many years. Also getting back into my yoga practice to stretch out these muscles that are starting to get so tight.
- I want to learn more about the Goddess and explore my beliefs more. I've let them fall to the wayside for over a year now. I feel a need to get back into the cycle of life.
I'm going to keep my list short and sweet for right now. I don't want to overwhelm myself by having a huge list. So, I've released my wishes to the world...let's see what happens on this lucky day of 09/09/09.
Hi, Pennie! I just love your blog! I'm so glad you commented on mine so I could visit you here and start getting to know you. :)
Thank you for sharing your story about seeing the deer. An eagle sat in one of our trees for quite some time on the day of my mother's memorial and I have never seen an eagle in our neighborhood before. It was a blessing as I watched it fly up into the sky and disappear; almost as if my mother was saying goodbye and letting us know that she would be okay now. I hope your deer lead you in a peaceful, positive direction.
I can definitely relate to your wishes and pray that they all come true for you. I see a great deal of exploration in your future! :)
As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
(Sorry about the long comment!)
(at http://blog.sweetsoliloquies.com)
In the animal medicine cards the deer is all about innocence, so funny you mention the child within, what a great message.
As Pennie wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.
As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Hi Pennie,
Lovely story about the gentleness of fawns. I love Bambi! Like your wishes. Since I'm an oil painter, the best way to get into it might be to find a good mentor/teacher. Someone you click with who makes the real you come alive. I feel lucky that my first painting teacher encouraged me to paint without either of us being critical.
I wish for you to begin learning everything on your list!
As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Delightful learning is coming your way!
As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
What a powerful experience with the deer. It's amazing how the Universe speaks to us.
Lovely :) As Pennie wishes for herself, so too do I wish for Pennie...
I must say too - I often smile as I am reading through people's posts because of how intimately we are connected. I think it finally dawned on me reading your post that *many* of the things you wish to learn are either the professions or serious hobbies of the other wishcasters out here :) I'm not sure where I was heading with that thought, but I think there's something to this whole business of networking :)
May Deer guide your baby steps :)
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