23 September 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday ...

This week Jamie, at Jamie Ridler Studios asks us, "What Luxury Do You Wish For?" 

It only took me a moment of pondering this weeks question.  I believe my heart actually took over for a bit and I feel this answer all the way down to my toes.

I'd so love to have the luxury of not living in my head ... to be able to unconsiously notice what's happening around me.  The call of crow ... a falling leaf ... the birds and squirrels eating from our feeders.  Right now it takes a lot for me to live in the present ... to be here now.

There are times I'm able to catch myself "living in my head".  Today was one of those days ... and it only lasted for about 15 minutes before my mind (ego) took over and went on its merry way of spinning wheels in my head.  Those brief moments are a joy though and I wonder how long I have to train myself to be here ... now.

To not live with this thing called depression or anxiety ... to release it and let the universe gobble it up.  To take all these thoughts, which hold me tightly, and just fling them out to the universe and say "here you go".  Then wipe my hands of them and go on my merry way of enjoying each and everything the universe has to show me.

That would be pure luxury ...


Lisa said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

I think you are on your merry way already, just by noticing and making this wish! I mean it started in your heart, went down to your toes, without ever involving your head :) Sounds like a true and good beginning.

Ms. Becky said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
You are taking baby steps and they will lead you on your journey :) hugs

Giulietta said...

Hi Pennie,

I wish for your powerful wish to come true. It is already! Catching it is a good sign. You'll notice it more and more. I've convinced we can retrain or untrain ourselves depending on where we've been. I call it the "Talk Good to Yourself Experiment" and will be talking about it tomorrow on my blog radio show.

You are person filled with greatness, remember that!

Giulietta, Inspirational Rebel

Lisa K said...

Oh Pennie...I SO understand the way your thoughts spin around...and ahhhhh to be able to release them...hand them over...there you go. Bliss!

As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. I really do.

Diva Kreszl said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, so I lovingly wish for her also! May you find a way to quiet the voices in your head so that you can enjoy the present.

Karen D said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. i hear you on this one, may you find time to enjoy life outside of your head!

Anonymous said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

May your wish come true. Lucy

Genie Sea said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)

You are already conscious of being conscious! It's a practice we all can use. Being in the moment. Somewhere along the way, we lost this natural ability, and now it's a matter of gaining it back. Best of success to you! :)

Silky Hart said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

Paula In Pinetop said...

May your wish be so.

Sarah Sullivan said...

As Pennie wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

Pennie - what a powerful wish. May this come to you!! I am wishing hard for you!!! Namaste, Sarah

Unknown said...

Hi, Pennie. I've been struggling with a deep depression, too, ever since my last big SD contract (which I have not yet written about on my blog, because up until recently, it was still too traumatic for me to talk about).

Most people don't realize that when you're depressed, your mind is racing at a zillion miles a second, loading you up with things that drag you down. And the thing you need to do is to look outward, in order to avoid that. Good for you for looking outside of your own head, and for connecting with other people!

Pennie, as you wish for yourself, I so earnestly wish for you also.


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